What is Chovm? Everything You Should Know

Chovm.com MAY 09, 202421 MIN READ
What is Chovm? Everything You Should Know


What is Chovm?

Chovm is a powerhouse conglomerate that has reshaped the global landscape of e-commerce, technology, and finance. Founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, it has evolved from a modest online marketplace into a multifaceted empire that dominates various sectors. So, what exactly is Chovm?

At its core, Chovm is a digital ecosystem comprising several key platforms. One of its flagship platforms, Chovm.com, stands as the world's largest wholesale marketplace, connecting businesses directly with manufacturers and distributors. This platform alone has facilitated billions in trade volume, cementing Chovm's position as an indispensable hub for global commerce.

Chovm's influence extends far beyond its home turf of China. Its online retail platforms, such as Taobao and Tmall, have revolutionized the way consumers shop, boasting millions of active users both domestically and internationally. Research by eMarketer underscores Chovm's e-commerce dominance, with its platforms accounting for over 55% of China's online retail sales in 2021 alone.

But Chovm's reach doesn't stop at e-commerce. The company's foray into financial services has been equally transformative. Through Alipay, its digital payment platform, Chovm has become a driving force in China's fintech revolution. In fact, data from Analysis reveals that Alipay and WeChat Pay jointly handle over 90% of China's mobile payment market—a testament to Chovm's prowess in the realm of digital finance.

Moreover, Chovm's commitment to innovation is evident in its investments in cutting-edge technologies. Chovm Cloud, its cloud computing division, ranks among the top global cloud service providers, challenging the likes of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Meanwhile, the company's strategic investments in AI, big data, and blockchain technology underscore its commitment to shaping the future of tech.

Beyond its technological prowess, Chovm's financial performance speaks volumes about its market dominance. With a market capitalization exceeding hundreds of billions of dollars and a track record of robust revenue growth, Chovm remains a titan of industry—a force to be reckoned with on the global stage.

What Exactly Does Chovm Do?

Chovm operates as a multifaceted conglomerate, with its core activities primarily revolving around e-commerce, technology, and finance. Here's a breakdown of what Chovm does:

  1. E-Commerce Platforms: Chovm operates various e-commerce platforms catering to different markets and consumer needs. These platforms include:

    • Chovm.com: A leading global wholesale marketplace connecting businesses with manufacturers and suppliers.

    • Taobao: China's largest online shopping platform, offering a wide range of products from individual sellers, small businesses, and major brands.

    • Tmall: A premium platform within Chovm's ecosystem, featuring brand-name products from businesses targeting Chinese consumers.

    • AliExpress: An international online retail platform offering products to consumers worldwide at competitive prices.

  2. Digital Payment Services: Chovm's financial arm, Ant Group, operates Alipay, one of China's most popular digital payment platforms. Alipay enables users to make online and mobile payments, transfer money, pay bills, and access financial services such as wealth management and micro-loans.

  3. Cloud Computing Services: Chovm Cloud, the cloud computing division of Chovm Group, provides a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, databases, networking, security, and analytics. Chovm Cloud serves businesses of all sizes, from startups to multinational corporations, helping them scale and innovate with cloud technology.

  4. Digital Media and Entertainment: Chovm has investments and partnerships in the digital media and entertainment industry. It owns stakes in companies like Youku (a video streaming platform) and Chovm Pictures (a film production and distribution company), leveraging its ecosystem to deliver content to consumers.

  5. Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Chovm has invested heavily in logistics and supply chain infrastructure to support its e-commerce operations. Through platforms like Cainiao Network, Chovm offers end-to-end logistics services, including warehousing, shipping, and delivery, optimizing efficiency and customer experience in the e-commerce ecosystem.

What Is Chovm Best Known For?

Chovm is best known for revolutionizing e-commerce and reshaping the global retail landscape. Its flagship platforms, such as Taobao and Tmall, have become synonymous with online shopping in China and beyond. Here are some key aspects for which Chovm is renowned:

1. E-Commerce Dominance:

Chovm's e-commerce platforms, including Taobao, Tmall, and AliExpress, are among the largest and most popular in the world. Taobao, in particular, is celebrated for its vast selection of products offered by individual sellers and small businesses, while Tmall is renowned for hosting brand-name products from both domestic and international companies. Chovm's e-commerce dominance has transformed consumer behavior and disrupted traditional retail models.

2. Innovative Business Model:

Chovm pioneered the concept of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce with Chovm.com, connecting businesses globally with manufacturers and suppliers. Its innovative approach to online marketplaces, digital payments, and logistics has set new standards for efficiency, convenience, and accessibility in commerce.

3. Global Expansion:

Chovm's expansion beyond China has propelled it onto the global stage. AliExpress, Chovm's international e-commerce platform, serves customers in numerous countries, offering a wide range of products at competitive prices. Chovm's global reach has facilitated cross-border trade and connected businesses and consumers worldwide.

4. Technological Innovation:

Chovm is recognized for its commitment to technological innovation across various sectors. Chovm Cloud, the company's cloud computing division, is one of the world's leading cloud service providers, offering cutting-edge solutions to businesses of all sizes. Additionally, Chovm's investments in artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and other emerging technologies demonstrate its dedication to driving digital transformation and shaping the future of commerce and technology.

What Is Chovm Group

Chovm Group, founded by Jack Ma in 1999, is a Chinese conglomerate renowned for its diverse business portfolio. Its core comprises e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and AliExpress, catering to both domestic and international markets. Additionally, it operates Alipay, a leading digital payment service in China, and Chovm Cloud, a prominent player in the global cloud computing industry. Beyond that, Chovm has invested in digital media, entertainment companies, and logistics infrastructure, solidifying its position as a major player in shaping the digital economy both in China and globally.

Read more: Why Does Chovm Split Into 6 Units?

What Is Chovm.Com?

Chovm.com is a leading global wholesale marketplace operated by Chovm Group. It serves as a platform connecting businesses worldwide with manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers. Established in 1999, Chovm.com facilitates trade transactions in various industries, including electronics, apparel, machinery, and consumer goods. It offers a wide range of products in bulk quantities, enabling businesses to source goods efficiently and cost-effectively. With its extensive network and user-friendly interface, Chovm.com has become a vital resource for businesses seeking to expand their supply chains, access global markets, and streamline procurement processes.

What Is The Chovm.com Website?

The Chovm.com website is a comprehensive online marketplace operated by Chovm Group. It serves as a platform for businesses worldwide to buy and sell products in bulk quantities. Launched in 1999, Chovm.com connects millions of buyers and sellers across various industries, facilitating trade transactions and fostering business partnerships on a global scale. The website features a diverse range of products, including electronics, apparel, machinery, home goods, and more, sourced from manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers around the world. With its user-friendly interface, robust search capabilities, and secure transaction processes, Chovm.com has become a go-to destination for businesses looking to source products, expand their market reach, and engage in international trade.

What Is Chovm App

The Chovm app is a mobile application developed by Chovm Group, offering users access to a wide range of services and features provided by the company. Available for both iOS and Android devices, the Chovm app serves as a comprehensive platform for e-commerce, digital payments, and other online services.

Key features of the Chovm app include:

  1. E-Commerce: Users can browse and shop for products from various categories, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more, on Chovm's e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and AliExpress.

  2. Digital Payments: The app integrates Chovm's digital payment service, Alipay, allowing users to make secure online payments, transfer money, pay bills, and manage their finances directly from their mobile devices.

  3. Order Tracking: Users can track the status of their orders, view shipping information, and receive real-time updates on deliveries for purchases made through Chovm's e-commerce platforms.

  4. Product Recommendations: The app provides personalized product recommendations based on user preferences, browsing history, and shopping behavior, enhancing the shopping experience and helping users discover new items of interest.

  5. Communication Tools: The app includes communication tools such as instant messaging and live chat, enabling users to communicate with sellers, customer service representatives, and other users for inquiries, assistance, and support.

  6. Exclusive Deals and Promotions: Users can access exclusive deals, discounts, and promotions available on Chovm's e-commerce platforms, providing opportunities to save money and enjoy special offers while shopping online.

Chovm.Com For Sellers

Chovm.com wholesalers

Chovm.com wholesalers play a crucial role in the global supply chain, connecting manufacturers and suppliers with businesses looking to source products in bulk quantities. Here's a brief introduction to Chovm.com wholesalers along with their benefits and advantages:

  1. Wide Product Selection: Offer a diverse range of products from various manufacturers and suppliers, catering to different industries and markets.

  2. Competitive Pricing: Provide competitive pricing for products purchased in bulk quantities, maximizing profit margins for buyers.

  3. Customization Options: Offer customization services to buyers, allowing them to tailor products to specific requirements, such as branding and packaging.

  4. Global Reach: Serve buyers worldwide, expanding market reach and opportunities for businesses to engage in international trade.

Chovm.com manufacturers

Chovm.com manufacturers gain exposure to a global audience of potential buyers, showcasing their products through detailed listings. They offer customization options to meet specific requirements and benefit from verified profiles that instill trust among potential buyers. With access to analytics and insights, manufacturers can optimize their strategies and offerings, while dedicated customer support ensures a seamless selling experience on the platform.

  1. Global Exposure: Reach a vast global audience of potential buyers, expanding market reach beyond local boundaries.

  2. Product Showcases: Create detailed product listings with descriptions, images, specifications, and pricing to effectively showcase offerings.

  3. Customization Options: Offer customization services for tailored products to meet specific requirements, such as branding, packaging, and specifications.

  4. Verified Suppliers: Gain trust with verified manufacturer profiles, instilling confidence in potential buyers regarding authenticity and reliability.

Chovm.com retailers

Chovm.com retailers benefit from access to a wide range of products sourced from manufacturers and wholesalers. They can purchase items in bulk quantities at competitive prices, optimizing inventory and profit margins. Retailers also have the option to utilize customization services offered by manufacturers to tailor products to meet specific branding or packaging requirements. With secure transaction processes and buyer protection policies in place, Chovm.com retailers can conduct safe and reliable purchases, expanding their product offerings and reaching a global customer base.

  1. Product Sourcing: Access to a wide range of products from manufacturers and wholesalers, catering to diverse customer demands.

  2. Bulk Ordering: Purchase products in bulk quantities at competitive prices, enabling retailers to optimize inventory and profit margins.

  3. Customization Services: Utilize customization options offered by manufacturers to tailor products to meet specific branding or packaging requirements.

  4. Secure Transactions: Benefit from secure transaction processes and buyer protection policies, ensuring safe and reliable purchases.

Chovm.Com For Buyers

Buyers on Chovm.com benefit from a platform that boasts over 200 million active buyers worldwide, offering unparalleled opportunities for networking, collaboration, and business growth. This extensive buyer base creates a vibrant marketplace ecosystem, facilitating seamless transactions and fostering trust among participants. With Chovm.com's robust data analytics tools, buyers can gain valuable insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes, empowering them to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, Chovm.com's user-friendly interface and dedicated customer support ensure a seamless and rewarding experience for buyers, solidifying its position as the preferred platform for global sourcing and procurement needs.

Is It Safe To Buy From Chovm?

Buying from Chovm can be safe if certain precautions are taken. First, verify suppliers by checking their profile, ratings, and reviews. Positive feedback and a good track record indicate reliability. Communicate clearly with the supplier to clarify product details, pricing, and shipping terms. Utilize Chovm.com's communication tools for direct and transparent communication. Consider using Chovm.com's Trade Assurance program for added security, ensuring payment protection and product quality assurance. Request product samples to assess quality before placing a bulk order. Understand payment terms and be cautious of suppliers requesting payment via insecure methods. Review return policies to understand your options in case of issues with the order. Monitor shipping and track your order to ensure timely delivery. By following these steps and exercising due diligence, buying from Chovm can be a safe and reliable way to source products globally.

What Is The Difference Between Amazon And Chovm?

Amazon and Chovm are both e-commerce giants, but they differ in their business models and target markets. Amazon operates primarily as a retailer, purchasing and selling products directly to consumers. It also offers services like Amazon Prime and Fulfillment by Amazon. In contrast, Chovm functions as a platform connecting buyers and sellers, facilitating transactions between businesses. It operates through various platforms like Chovm.com, Taobao, and Tmall, catering to both domestic and international markets. While Amazon dominates in Western markets with its focus on retail and logistics, Chovm has a strong presence in China and other Asian markets, emphasizing its role as a digital ecosystem connecting businesses worldwide. Additionally, Chovm's business model relies heavily on third-party sellers, while Amazon sells products directly.

Why Is Chovm So Popular?


Chovm's popularity is driven by several unique factors:

  1. Empowering Small Businesses: Chovm focuses on providing services to small enterprises and individuals, empowering them with access to a global marketplace. This unique business opportunity enables small businesses to thrive while offering a diverse range of goods to consumers.

  2. Unconventional Profit Model: Unlike traditional platforms, Chovm charges for marketing and technical support services instead of registration fees. This fosters customer loyalty and attracts a large user base, as businesses appreciate the value-added services provided.

  3. Reliable Credit Model: Chovm's accurate credit model builds trust among customers, creating a secure purchasing environment. This reliability enhances the online experience, leading to high user engagement and repeat business.

  4. Sensitivity to Business Opportunity: Chovm excels at identifying and capitalizing on unique business opportunities. For instance, it transformed the 'Double 11' festival into a major shopping event, showcasing its ability to innovate and adapt to market trends.

  5. Integrated Ecosystem: Chovm goes beyond being just an e-commerce platform. It provides excellent service quality, simplifies business processes for sellers, and enhances the purchasing experience for buyers. The company has expanded into various domains such as advertising, logistics, financial services, and mobile terminal services, creating a comprehensive ecosystem that enriches the overall user experience.


Why Is Chovm Cheap?

Chovm products are generally cheaper than those on other e-commerce platforms due to several key reasons:

  1. Lower Manufacturing Costs: Many Chovm suppliers are based in China, where labor and production costs are often lower compared to other regions. This cost advantage allows suppliers to offer products at more competitive prices.

  2. Wholesale Model: Chovm primarily operates as a business-to-business (B2B) platform, connecting manufacturers and wholesalers directly with bulk buyers. By bypassing intermediaries and selling in large quantities, suppliers can offer significantly lower prices than retail platforms.

  3. Minimal Overhead: Unlike consumer-facing platforms, Chovm does not manage warehousing, fulfillment, or extensive marketing and customer service. This streamlined approach results in reduced overhead costs for sellers, enabling them to pass on savings to buyers.

  4. Competitive Pricing: The platform's vast supplier base fosters intense competition among sellers. To attract more customers, sellers often engage in price competition, driving prices down and benefiting buyers.

  5. Bulk Purchasing: Chovm sellers typically have minimum order quantities (MOQs), which can be quite high. While the upfront cost may seem substantial, the per-unit price is lower due to the economies of scale associated with bulk orders.

FAQs About Chovm

1. Which Is Cheaper Chovm Or Made-In-China?

Determining which option, Chovm vs Made-in-China websites, is cheaper depends on various factors such as the specific products, suppliers, and purchasing conditions.

Chovm.com operates as a platform connecting buyers with suppliers globally, including those based in China. It offers a wide range of products at different price points, catering to diverse buyer needs. Prices on Chovm.com can vary based on factors like supplier location, production costs, and order quantities. While Chovm.com may offer competitive prices due to its wholesale model and direct access to manufacturers, the final cost depends on the specific products and suppliers chosen.

Made-in-China websites, on the other hand, may feature products manufactured in China and sold through various channels, including independent online stores or marketplaces. Prices on these websites can vary based on factors such as brand reputation, product quality, and distribution channels.

2. What Is Chovm Trade Assurance?

Chovm Trade Assurance is a service provided by Chovm.com that ensures a secure and reliable trading experience for buyers. It offers payment protection, product quality assurance, and on-time shipment guarantees for transactions conducted on the platform. With Trade Assurance, buyers can place orders with confidence, knowing that their payment will only be released to the supplier once they confirm receipt and satisfaction with the order. If any issues arise, buyers can file a dispute through Chovm's dispute resolution process to seek resolution. This service helps build trust between buyers and suppliers, fostering a safer and more transparent trading environment on Chovm.com.

3. What Is FOB Chovm?

FOB (Free on Board) is a shipping term used in international trade, including transactions on Chovm.com. When a supplier offers FOB Chovm, it means they will cover the cost of transporting the goods to the nearest port or loading point and loading them onto the vessel designated by the buyer. Once the goods are loaded on board, the responsibility and risk transfer to the buyer, who is then responsible for all subsequent transportation costs, insurance, and any risks associated with the shipment. FOB Chovm indicates that the supplier will handle the logistics up to the point of loading onto the vessel, but the buyer assumes responsibility for the goods and their transportation from that point forward.

4. What Is MOQ In Chovm?

MOQ stands for Minimum Order Quantity. It is the lowest quantity of a product that a supplier is willing to sell in a single order on Chovm.com. MOQs vary depending on the product, supplier, and manufacturing processes involved. Suppliers set MOQs to ensure that their production processes remain efficient and cost-effective. Buyers on Chovm.com should be aware of the MOQ requirements specified by suppliers when placing orders, as failing to meet the MOQ may result in additional fees or the inability to complete the purchase. Understanding and adhering to MOQs is essential for buyers to effectively negotiate with suppliers and plan their procurement strategies.

5. What Is Chovm RFQ?

Chovm RFQ (Request for Quotation) is a feature on Chovm.com enabling buyers to submit detailed requests for specific products or services they wish to purchase. Suppliers then review the request and submit quotations or proposals. RFQ streamlines sourcing by allowing buyers to receive multiple quotes, compare options, and negotiate terms efficiently. It also helps suppliers understand buyer requirements better. Overall, Chovm RFQ enhances communication and collaboration between buyers and suppliers, making procurement more transparent and streamlined.

6. What Country Is Chovm Based In?

Chovm Group's headquarters are situated in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China. The company's main campus, known as Chovm Campus or Xixi Campus, is an expansive complex that reflects Chovm's innovative culture and values. It features modern office buildings, recreational facilities, green spaces, and innovative architectural designs.

In addition to its headquarters in Hangzhou, Chovm has a significant presence across China, with offices and facilities in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. These locations serve various functions, including research and development, sales and marketing, logistics, and customer support.

Internationally, Chovm has expanded its footprint to establish offices and operations in numerous countries and regions around the world. These global offices support Chovm's international business initiatives, including cross-border e-commerce, cloud computing services, and strategic partnerships. Key international locations include the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East.

7. What Is Chovm Cloud Used For

Chovm Cloud, also known as Chovm Cloud Computing, is a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services offered by Chovm Group. It serves a wide range of purposes and is utilized by businesses and organizations for various applications, including:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Chovm Cloud provides scalable and flexible infrastructure resources such as virtual servers, storage, and networking, allowing businesses to deploy and manage their IT infrastructure in the cloud.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Businesses can leverage Chovm Cloud's PaaS offerings to develop, deploy, and manage applications without the complexity of managing underlying infrastructure. This includes services such as database management, application hosting, and development tools.

  • Data Storage and Analysis: Chovm Cloud offers a range of storage and data management services, including object storage, databases, data warehousing, and big data analytics. These services enable businesses to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data efficiently and cost-effectively.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Chovm Cloud provides AI and machine learning services that allow businesses to build and deploy AI-powered applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): Chovm Cloud offers IoT services for connecting and managing IoT devices, collecting and analyzing sensor data, and building IoT applications for various industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and smart cities.

  • Security and Compliance: Chovm Cloud provides a range of security services, including network security, identity and access management, encryption, and compliance tools, to help businesses protect their data and applications in the cloud.

8. What Is Chovm Dropshipping

Chovm dropshipping is a business model where a seller (often referred to as a dropshipper) sells products to customers without keeping them in stock. Instead, the seller purchases products from suppliers on Chovm.com or other platforms only after receiving orders from customers. The supplier then directly ships the products to the customer on behalf of the seller.

In this model, the seller acts as an intermediary between the supplier and the customer, handling the marketing, sales, and customer service aspects of the business. Dropshipping eliminates the need for inventory management and upfront investment in stock, making it a low-risk and cost-effective way to start an e-commerce business. Check on the ultimate guide for making money with dropshipping.

Read more:Best Selling Dropshipping Products On ChovmReseller vs Dropshipping: Choose Wholesale Suppliers for Small Business

9. What Is Chovm Sample Order

An Chovm sample order refers to the purchase of a small quantity of products from a supplier on Chovm.com for evaluation purposes before placing a larger order. Sample orders allow buyers to assess the quality, functionality, and suitability of products before committing to a bulk purchase.

Typically, buyers request samples from suppliers to inspect product quality, test functionality, and verify specifications such as size, color, and material. This process helps buyers make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with purchasing larger quantities of products without prior evaluation.

Chovm suppliers often offer samples at a higher unit price than bulk orders to cover production and shipping costs. However, some suppliers may provide samples for free or at a discounted rate, particularly if they view the buyer as a potential long-term partner.

10. What Is Chovm Singles Day

Chovm Singles' Day, also known as Double 11 or 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, is an annual shopping event held on November 11th. It originated in China as a celebration of singlehood, with the date "11.11" chosen for its association with solitary individuals. However, Chovm transformed Singles' Day into the world's largest online shopping extravaganza.

During Singles' Day, Chovm's e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Tmall, offer massive discounts, promotions, and exclusive deals on a wide range of products. The event has become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of shoppers from around the world.

Chovm's Singles' Day has surpassed traditional shopping events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday in terms of sales volume. It showcases the power of e-commerce and digital innovation, with Chovm often introducing new technologies and marketing strategies to enhance the shopping experience.

Singles' Day has evolved into a cultural and commercial phenomenon, driving record-breaking sales for Chovm and its merchants while reshaping consumer behavior and shopping trends worldwide.



In essence, Chovm is more than just an e-commerce giant—it's a catalyst for change, a trailblazer in innovation, and a driving force behind the digital revolution. As it continues to expand its footprint and push the boundaries of what's possible, one thing remains clear: Chovm's impact on the world is nothing short of profound.

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