Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which Is Best for Your Company?

Chovm.com APRIL 29, 20246 MIN READ
Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: Which Is Best for Your Company?


For business owners, a common dilemma is whether to invest in Facebook ads or Google ads. However, the answer isn't as simple as the question itself.

On one hand, Google is known as the top search engine on the internet. On the other hand, Facebook connects over a quarter of the world's population with friends and family. Both platforms offer valuable advertising opportunities, but for different reasons. Your choice for the next campaign will depend on various factors.

If you're in this situation, it's crucial to understand the significant differences between the two platforms before making a decision.

What is Facebook Advertising?

Facebook advertising is a way for businesses to pay to show their messages to people on the world’s biggest social network. Ads can pop up in different places on Facebook, like in the newsfeed, on the side of the page, and even on mobile devices through the audience network.

For instance, you're scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed and you see an ad for a new clothing brand. That ad is there because the clothing brand paid to have it shown to people like you who might be interested in their clothes.

What is Google Advertising?

Google advertising is a way for brands to pay to get their messages out across the vast Google network. This includes showing ads on over 2 million websites that are part of the Google Display Network, as well as on the search results pages of Google's search engine, which gets around 3.5 billion searches every day.

Imagine you're searching for a new pair of sneakers on Google. The first few links that show up at the top of the search results might be ads from shoe brands that want to catch your eye. These brands paid Google to put their ads there so that people like you looking for sneakers would see them first.

Facebook and Google Ads: The Way They Work

Both Google and Facebook have an immense reach across the internet. Google's display network alone reaches 90% of internet users, and its search engine processes over a trillion searches each year. On the other hand, Facebook boasts a staggering user base of over 2.2 billion people, making it the largest social network globally.

Advertisers are well acquainted with both platforms, as Google and Facebook jointly command 60% of digital advertising spending worldwide. While Google holds a dominant position, each platform offers unique opportunities — but they come with their own set of considerations. Here are a few factors to ponder before deciding between the two:

Let's say you're a local bakery owner looking to advertise your new pastry line. You might consider using Facebook ads to target users in your area who have shown an interest in baking or desserts. On the other hand, if you're launching an online course on cake decorating, Google ads might be more effective in reaching users actively searching for such topics.

Another factor to consider is the cost-effectiveness of each platform. While Google ads can deliver immediate results to users actively searching for products or services, Facebook ads offer precise targeting options to reach specific demographics or interests. Depending on your budget and advertising goals, one platform may offer better value for your investment.

While both Google and Facebook offer extensive reach and advertising opportunities, understanding their differences and aligning them with your business objectives is key to making an informed decision. Whether you prioritize precise targeting, cost-effectiveness, or user intent, choosing the right platform can significantly impact the success of your advertising campaigns.

Benefits of Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads

The benefits of Google Ads

  1. Extensive Audience: Google reigns supreme in the search engine realm, processing over 99,000 searches per second. With its advanced RankBrain algorithm, search volume is expected to continue rising. Google's audience size surpasses that of its competitors and continues to expand.
  2. Diverse Ad Formats: Formerly known as Google AdWords, the platform has evolved to offer various ad formats beyond traditional text-based ads. From reviews and sitelinks to mobile optimization and location targeting, advertisers have a range of features to enhance ad appeal and reach diverse audiences.
  3. Remarketing Capabilities: Google Ads simplifies reconnecting with users who have previously interacted with your brand. For example, if a user visits your online store, adds an item to their cart, and exits without completing the purchase, you can re-engage with them on Google, YouTube, or through the largest e-commerce websites.

The benefits of Facebook Ads

  1. Precise Targeting: Facebook stands out for its advanced targeting options. Instead of casting a wide net, you can zero in on the audience most likely to convert. With features like demographics, behaviors, life events, and interests, you can reach your ideal customers more effectively. The "lookalike audience" feature takes it a step further by targeting users similar to your existing customer base.
  2. Visual Appeal: Unlike Google's text-based ads, Facebook emphasizes visually appealing content. Research shows that visual ads are 43% more persuasive than text ads, making Facebook a great platform for creating eye-catching visuals that engage users.
  3. Cost-Effective: Despite variations in budget depending on factors like competition and campaign objectives, Facebook Ads remain one of the most affordable PPC options. When combined with precise targeting and visual ad creation capabilities, the potential return on investment (ROI) can be impressive.

Which Platform Should You Choose?

Consider your client's campaign goals first. If they aim to drive immediate sales, Google Ads may be the optimal choice. However, if their objective is to enhance brand visibility or reach a broader audience, Facebook Ads could be more suitable. Additionally, factor in your client's advertising budget and your agency's technical expertise, just like many examples of retailers. Can they afford Google Ads in a competitive market? Can your agency create compelling image or video-based ads for Facebook? Addressing these questions will help outline a practical and actionable strategy.

How to Use Google Ads and Facebook Ads Together

Google Ads and Facebook Ads can synergize to boost awareness, engagement, and conversions effectively. Since it often takes multiple touchpoints to convert a customer, integrating these platforms can be advantageous, and offering affiliate marketing tips

For instance, individuals exposed to your client's Facebook Ads may express initial interest in the offer but desire more information about the brand and its offerings. Here, leveraging the brand name as a keyword in search campaigns and aligning messaging with current Facebook Ads can be beneficial. This approach guides Facebook's cold audience to find relevant information on Google, strengthening the marketing message and fostering trust.

This synergy between platforms not only enhances overall marketing effectiveness but also demonstrates reliability to potential customers.


In comparing tools and networks, the answer is seldom clear-cut; it's not a matter of choosing one over the other. Facebook and Google can complement each other, particularly in remarketing efforts. Many marketers advocate beginning with remarketing on both platforms.

As for budget allocation, there's no definitive answer. It hinges on what works best for your business. Use these considerations as a starting point, but consistently gather data to determine effectiveness and make adjustments accordingly.

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